Lirik Lagu Shepherd Of Fire - AVENGED SEVENFOLD

Lirik Lagu Shepherd Of Fire - AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Indonesia & Dunia

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    Lirik Lagu Shepherd Of Fire, - AVENGED SEVENFOLD

    Let's take a moment and break the iceSo my intentions are knownSee I have pity in watching you sufferI know the feeling of being damned aloneI've got a storybook of my own
    Don't you see I am your prideAgent of wealthBearer of needs (And you know it's right)I am your warArming the strongAiding the weakKnow me by nameShepherd of fire
    Well I can promise you paradiseNo need to serve on your kneesAnd when you're lost in the darkest of hoursTake a moment and tell me who you seeWon't tell ya who not to be
    Now you know I am your prideAgent of wealthBearer of needs (And you know it's right)I am your warArming the strongAiding the weakKnow me by nameShepherd of fire
    Disciple of the cross and champion in the sufferingImmerse yourself into the kingdom of redemptionPardon your mind through the chains of the divineMake way for the shepherd of fire
    Through the ages of timeI've been known for my hateBut I'm a dealer of sinful choicesFor me it's never too late
    I am your prideAgent of wealthBearer of needs (And you know it's right)I am your warArming the strongAiding the weak
    I am your wrathI am your guiltI am your lust (And you know it's right)I am your lawI am your stallI am your trust
    Know me by nameShepherd of fire

    • Berdasar Abjad : A

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