Lirik Lagu I'm In Love - FABRIZIO FANIELLO

Lirik Lagu I'm In Love - FABRIZIO FANIELLO - Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Indonesia & Dunia

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    Lirik Lagu I'm In Love, Penyanyi: FABRIZIO FANIELLO

    No matter what they say now I’m in love,I do it in my way cause I’m in love,And I can keep that song out of my mind,whistling that silly tune all the time.
    No matter what they say, I don’t care,I whistle any way everywhere,I wrote this little song on my own,She said that I’m a genius; I’m in love,
    My friends’ say that I’m crazy, I’m just fine,My neighbors stair at me, never mind,Cause every time this sweetness of her smile,My supersonic girl, I’m in love.
    RIT: No matter what they say now I’m in love,I do it in my way cause I’m in love,And I can keep that song out of my mind,Whistling that silly tune all the time.
    (whistles)……………….I’m in love.
    No matter what they say, I don’t care,I whistle any way everywhere,I wrote this little song on my own,She said that I’m a genius; I’m in love,
    My friends’ say that I’m crazy, I’m just fine,My neighbors stair at me, never mind,Cause every time this sweetness of her smile,My supersonic girl, I’m in love.
    RIT: No matter what they say now I’m in love,I do it in my way cause I’m in love,And I can keep that song out of my mind,Wistling that silly tune all the time.
    (Whistles)……………….. Oooooooohhhoooooooohhhohhhhh, I’m in love.
    My friends’ say that I’m crazy, I’m just fine,My neighbors stair at me, never mind,Cause every time this sweetness of her smile,My supersonic girl, I’m in love.
    (Whistles)…………………….. I’m in love.
    Oooooooohhhoooooooohhhohhhhh, I’m in love.

    • Berdasar Abjad : F

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