Lirik Lagu Kiss Me Quick - ELVIS PRESLEY

Lirik Lagu Kiss Me Quick - ELVIS PRESLEY - Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Indonesia & Dunia

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  • Lirik Lagu Kiss Me Quick - ELVIS PRESLEY
  • Dibawah ini Lirik Lagu Kiss Me Quick yang merupakan salah satu karya ELVIS PRESLEY. Untuk melihat LIRIK LAGU ELVIS PRESLEY selain dari lagu yang ini silahkan klik pada menu LIRIK LAGU ELVIS PRESLEY di blog ini atau gunakan kotak pencarian diatas.

    Lirik Lagu Kiss Me Quick, Penyanyi: ELVIS PRESLEY

    Kiss me quick, while we still have this feelingHold me close and never let me go'Cause tomorrows can be so uncertainLove can fly and leave just hurtingKiss me quick because I love you so
    Kiss me quick and make my heart go crazySigh that sigh and whisper oh so lowTell me that tonight will last foreverSay that you will leave me neverKiss me quick because I love you so
    Let the band keep playing while we are swayingLet's keep on praying that we'll never stop
    Kiss me quick just can't stand this waiting'Cause your lips are lips I long to knowOh that kiss will open heaven's doorAnd we'll stay there forevermoreKiss me quick because I love you so

    • Berdasar Abjad : E

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