Lirik Lagu Charlie Brown - COLDPLAY

Lirik Lagu Charlie Brown - COLDPLAY - Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Indonesia & Dunia

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  • Lirik Lagu Charlie Brown - COLDPLAY
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    Lirik Lagu Charlie Brown, Nama Artis: COLDPLAY

    I stole the keys, took a car downtown where the lust boys meetI took a car downtown and took what they offered meTo set me freeI saw the lights go down at the end of the sceneI saw the lights go down and it's standing in front of me
    My steel cold dreams, when they smash my heart into smithereensI'll be a bright red rose combusting the concreteBe a cartoon heartA lot of fire from the smoke, a lot of fire framing my heart
    Run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark whoa, in the fire
    All the boys, all the girls, all the fans in the worldAll the boys, all the girls, all the ...All the hides, all the ... I see ... understand it allYou run wild, stop glowing in the dark
    All innocent and wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

    • Berdasar Abjad : C

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